Welcome to the Canadian Fall Prevention Education Collaborative (CFPEC) and Canadian Fall Prevention Curriculum (CFPC) website.

We are:

  • A Centre for fall prevention education

  • A network of those who offer and take the CFPC workshops and CFPC E-learning courses

  • A platform for sharing the latest evidence, programs and events related to fall and injury prevention for older adults

What's New?

Online University-based Pan-Canadian fall prevention training for Home Care Aides

The Strategies and Actions for Independent Living or SAIL provides practical tools to help home-care aides and community support workers to support clients to live at home more safely by preventing falls and fall injuries. This instructor-facilitated 3-week course with approximately 12 hours of study time uses case studies, videos, discussion, and interactive assessments. You will be able to apply the SAIL tools immediately in your work, including:
  • A 3-level home-based video exercise program with videos for client use, and training for you in motivating and supporting clients to use the program;
  • A detailed risk-factor checklist and action-plan framework with numerous strategies to reduce each risk factor;
  • Fall tracking and reporting tools;
  • Optional ongoing early access to the SAIL tools and videos available.  Includes additional guideance for home-care service supervisors to manage a SAIL program.
For more information go to: continutingstudies.uvic.ca/SAIL
SAIL Dates:  , October 25 to November 15, 2024 

Advances in Indigenous Fall Prevention

For access to the Indigenous Fall Prevention Symposium click on the following links: REPORT  and VIDEO This pivotal event,  held in Newfoundland, June 11, 2018 marks the beginning of an international network on this important issue. Please visit www.fallsloop.com and follow the instructions under "Private Groups".
By: Vicky Scott, RN, PhD, Clinical Professor, School of Population and Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia 



CFPC E-Learning: Upcoming Dates


All new look, current evidence and fresh approaches.


We are pleased to announce additional 2023 offerings of the Canadian Fall Prevention Curriculum. This course and accompanying textbook reflect extensive revisions from current evidence on fall risk assessment and prevention, as well as fresh approaches to successful and sustainable interventions based on proven strategies from the field of implementation science.
Registration is now open for this award winning, international course on fall prevention in all settings for: 
Dates: October 4 to November 8, 2024
Textbook is available at: www.lulu.com: Fall Prevention Programming (2nd edition) by Vicky Scott, RN, PhD (required reading).  Aussi disponible en français
For those who purchase a copy of Fall Prevention Programming (2nd edition), see the Book Owner's Page for additional resources, including a copy of the Scott Fall Risk Assessment.